honourable — adj BrE honorable AmE 1.) an honourable action or activity deserves respect and admiration ▪ My father didn t think acting was an honorable profession. 2.) behaving in a way that is morally correct and shows you have high moral standards ▪ a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
honourable — (US honorable) ► ADJECTIVE 1) bringing or worthy of honour. 2) (Honourable) a title given to certain high officials, members of the nobility, and MPs. DERIVATIVES honourably adverb … English terms dictionary
Honourable — (engl., spr.ónnĕrĕbl, »ehrenwert, edel«, abgekürzt Hon.) ist Ehrentitel vor dem Namen der Söhne der Mitglieder des hohen Adels, die keinen Titel führen. Der Titel Most H. gebührt dem Marquis, der Titel Right H, den Earls, Viscounts und Baronen… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Honourable — (engl., spr. ónnörräbbl; abgekürzt: Hon.), ehrenwert, edel, in England als Titel den Namen der Mitglieder des höhern Adels und anderer hochgestellter Personen vorgesetzt, bisweilen mit dem Zusatz Right (spr. reit) oder Most Hon. (sehr ehrenwert) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
honourable — British English spelling of HONORABLE (Cf. honorable); also see OR (Cf. or). Related: Honourably … Etymology dictionary
honourable — (Brit.) hon·our·a·ble || É‘nÉ™rÉ™bl / É’n adj. deserving of respect and admiration; trustworthy, reliable, upright, principled (also honorable) n. one who is honest or principled; one who holds the title of Honorable (title of respect given to … English contemporary dictionary
honourable — [[t]ɒ̱nrəb(ə)l[/t]] (in AM, use honorable) 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe people or actions as honourable, you mean that they are good and deserve to be respected and admired. I believe he was an honourable man, dedicated to the people and his… … English dictionary
honourable */ — UK [ˈɒn(ə)rəb(ə)l] / US [ˈɑn(ə)rəb(ə)l] adjective 1) a) morally good and deserving respect Your father was an honourable man. The only honourable thing to do was to say nothing. b) an honourable agreement deserves to be respected because it was… … English dictionary
Honourable — (AmE Honorable) 1. the Honourable (written abbr the Hon) (in Britain) a title placed before the names of various members of the peerage, including the children of barons and viscounts and the daughters and younger sons of earls: the Honourable… … Universalium
Honourable — Hon|our|a|ble BrE Honorable AmE [ˈɔnərəbəl US ˈa:n ] adj 1.) written abbreviation Hon. used in Britain in the titles of children whose father is a lord and in the titles of judges and members of parliament 2.) written abbreviation Hon. used in… … Dictionary of contemporary English
honourable — adj. BE; AE spelling: honorable honourable to + inf. (it is not honourable to deceive them with false promises) * * * [ ɒn(ə)rəb(ə)l] honourable to + inf. (it is not honourable to deceive them with false promises) … Combinatory dictionary